The Creative Writing Program offers undergraduate writers a focused, adventurous experience in creative expression. The Program’s nationally recognized, award-winning faculty teach a wide variety of courses on genre-specific craft across fiction, poetry, play-writing and creative non-fiction. As practicing writers, the program’s faculty lead students in conversations with the some of the most innovative and culturally responsive contemporary writers who visit classes, facilitate generative writing sessions, and offer literary readings and interdisciplinary performances. We also offer courses on the history and practice of literary editing and publishing, along with a range of professionalizing events focused on industry practices and careers for those interested creative writing.
In our program, self-expression lives alongside political expression. We view writing both as a tool of personal inquiry and growth, and as a tool for critical investigation and literary analysis. We celebrate a diverse array of social functions for literary practices and affirm that the cultural purpose of literature evolves with an emerging generation of writers, in which we include our students. We welcome writers at all levels of experience, who practice and live within many languages, and who aspire to literary genealogies & traditions on their own terms. In the Program’s classes and culture, creative expression is understood to be a living entity and a practice of global citizenship that includes all of us.
Our program celebrates writing within and outside the classroom. We facilitate field trips to regional galleries and festivals, and are honored to house the MSU Creative Writing Club, led by students. We are also the home of Red Cedar Review, one of the oldest student-managed literary journals in the United States.
BA in English with CW Concentration
Minor in Creative Writing